documentary film


apply for an initial interview here

seeking expecting moms/parents

looking for candidates who:

  • are pregnant

  • have a clear vision for their birth

  • are willing to be filmed (5-10 times over 3-4 months)

  • are due summer or fall 2025

project details:

This isn’t a film about the “right way” to give birth. 

Each of our subjects wants something different.

It could be an elective c-section, a hospital birth, a VBAC, a home birth, a free birth, an orgasmic birth… 

In exchange for their participation, subjects will be offered a postpartum stipend which may be used towards parental leave, postpartum doula care, childcare, meals, bodywork, complementary alternative medicine, etc.

contact us with any questions

why are we making this film?

Over the past year, we’ve filmed interviews with elder birth attendants and ceremonialists around the world—to explore the modern myth of birth and to learn more about birth as a universal rite of passage.

This project has since evolved into a feature-length documentary.

We’re making this film because we want to know how birthing people in America are impacted by obstacles that stand in the way of their birth sovereignty.